body services

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Alternative

  • Used to stimulate healing in joints

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Alternative therapy promotes the body's natural repair process to heal injuries. These anti-inflammatory growth factors provide proteins and other materials that help repair degenerative or injured tissue.

PRP Alternative therapy uses your concentrated platelets. By stimulating and enhancing the body's healing response, it treats injuries, inflammation, and some chronic degenerative conditions. PRP therapy is an excellent option for those who want to heal the source of pain rather than simply masking the symptoms.

Receiving PRP Alternative TherapyAfter applying local anesthetic (numbing), PRP Alternative Therapy is injected into the areas identified by your physician during your examination and consultation.

Benefits include:

  • Surgery Free - You can walk out of the procedure able to resume light daily activity while your healing begins immediately

Advanced Joint Therapy

  • The most advanced joint therapy available
  • Cutting edge techniques and research adapted for the best results and healing

Advanced Regenerative Therapy utilizes cells that contain signaling molecules. They have been shown in studies to contain anti-inflammatory growth factors.

Fascial Hydration

  • Release trapped nerves in the fascia
  • Cutting edge techniques to heal the fascia

Fascial Hydration is the process of using certain anti-inflammatory growth factors found in specific cells to hydrate and re-contour damaged tissue in the fascia. The fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds organs, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles where they belong. Fascia has nerves that can become entrapped in damaged tissue like the skin. When this tissue becomes dry and fibrous, it can cause acute pain from the entrapped nerve.

Receiving Fascial Hydration TherapyAfter applying local anesthetic (numbing), Vessel Longevity uses anti-inflammatory growth factors and sterile water to rehydrate and recontour the fascia to release trapped nerves and reestablish proper fluid exchange.

Benefits include:

  • Acute Nerve Pain - Releasing trapped nerves restores pain-free movement in the absence of other mechanical issues
  • Surgery Free - You can walk out of the procedure able to resume light daily activity

Some Of These Therapies Are Investigational

With every new advancement in medicine, there is a period of early adoption. Vessel Longevity is committed to using the latest and most advanced therapies to help you heal and enjoy a long life full of energy.

  • Your primary physician may not have heard of some of these therapies
  • Our medical team is happy to discuss them with your greater medical care team
  • We also provide a complete anti-aging services suite to help you achieve all of your anti-aging goals